SXSW Aftermath: Bill Murray

Sorry to pester you with more stuff from last week’s festival but this was too weird and funny to pass up.  Reports that actor Bill Murray was all over last week’s SXSW festival have now been confirmed with both photographic and video evidence.

It seems Murray entered one bar accompanied by members of the Wu-Tang Clan, headed behind the bar and proceeded to serve drinks.  No matter what anyone ordered, the actor served them tequila.  Pictures also show Murray at an unidentified house party sitting in with a band and drinking with fellow party-goers. Why is this news you might ask?  This website might explain everything; then again, maybe not.  You can always try this but I’m not sure it will be much help either.

YouTube: Bill Murray bartending at SXSW

One Response to “SXSW Aftermath: Bill Murray”

  1. Hello there!

    My name’s Jon. I’m currently researching artwork for an article I’m writing for a UK magazine- ‘SXSW: In Search of Bill Murray’. It’s a SXSW festival review with a twist (I went looking for Bill Murray there this year) and I would like to possibly use a photograph in this blog. Do you own them? Do have them in original format?

    If so give me a shout. I’d credit the photographer and happily attach a link to your BLOG. Looking forward to hearing from you!

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